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Mfomfo needs support

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Thanks a lot for allowinng me a space in your widely read paper. I just want to say keep it up to Mfomfo Nkhambule".  Also to bring this to the awareness of the people of Mtfongwaneni area and the nation at large that we should be proud that the man they sent to Parliament indeed benefited them a lot, in spite of all the criticism he would face when disclosing loopholes on the current local system of governance.  My fellow Swazis know that ‘good things happen to only those who open their eyes and see’.

Truly speaking Mfomfo needs any possible support one can render, not to help him write his history in the society but for the benefit of the innocent souls that are suppressed daily by this unreliable system of governance. I’m saying this because he has already written his history, if you can remember very well he is the only man to come out of Parliament and publicly declare that "there they do nothing but act as rubber-stamp that enjoy all the allowances you can think of".

 "Mfomfo, those people who say you are embarrassing yourself should be ashamed of themselves. Remember Obama’s words when he said ‘THERE MIGHT BE CHALLENGES BUT WE CAN, IT MAY NOT BE EASY OR IN A SHORT SPACE OF TIME, Yes we can I say.  

Uniswa student.

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