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In most instances we tend to criticise than commending the decisions taken by government. I am neither impressed nor am I displeased by its decision-making ability, but for allowing only Christianity to be studied in schools, the Government of Swaziland deserves a noble prize.

Having gotten the privilege of living abroad, I got the experience of living with people from different countries, who have different religions, cultures, languages and lifestyle.

The way someone has been raised reflects directly to their way of life. Those that were raised with Islam live the Islamic way, those raised with Buddhism live the Buddhist way. The Bible in Proverbs 22:6 reads ‘‘Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it,” (NLT version).

I am unreservedly in support of government’s decision to scrap off every other religion and let Christianity reign. Having done a little research about other religions from my fellows, I think I am in good position to boldly say ‘Christianity is good for our children’. If all our children would be raised by Christian principles, I can imagine the kind of society we would have in the near future. Christianity is not just a religion but it is a lifestyle which the inventor and creator of mankind, God himself, has called us all to live.

I do not want this article to sound religious but I cannot downplay the fact that Christianity is about where all mankind originate and are destined, so it is very important for our children to know where they come from and where they are going. Before I start sounding like I am defending Christianity, let me again congratulate the government of our tiny and very beautiful country for taking such a sound decision.

Dr Senzo Mndzebele


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