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May I take this opportunity Mr Editor to applaud the King’s speech when he opened the fourth session of the tenth Parliament last week.  His Majesty touched on a number of critical areas that have an influence on our daily lives as well as the economy of Swaziland. 

The speech touched on areas such as water supply, mining sector, Free Primary Education, SADC University, HIV/AIDS, to name but a few, but notable is the increase in the social grants for elderly, vulnerable children and the physically disabled.

As an educationist, I could not hold back my joy and happiness when Ingwenyama highlighted the importance of education and how government strives to make sure Swazi children receive quality education from well qualified teachers. 

His Majesty further said, I quote, “The global economy is changing rapidly and as new technologies are being introduced, government is going to continue to strengthen technical vocational education and training programme.  This will facilitate the acquisition of skills needed by the country to transform to a First World status”.

I would very much like to concur with His Majesty on the above, for Swaziland to compete with the best of the best and attain the First World status, it needs to pay particular attention to education as it is the backbone worldwide. 

Our education system should produce entrepreneurs and employers by strengthening programmes that are offered mainly at our secondary schools.  The government has indeed invested a lot of money and resources on Technical programme in our education system which we are grateful, unfortunately we still have some teething challenges in as far as that area is concerned.  

I find the mentioning of Technical vocational skills and qualified teachers a highlight of the speech on the education part. 
Our education system needs to indeed benefit the Swazi child by being able to earn a living, as it is a known fact that furthering studies proves to be a challenge to most secondary school graduates due to a number of reasons. 

Technology is indeed a buzz word worldwide nowadays.  Therefore, Swaziland needs to seriously invest in programmes that are in line with the global trend, especially where technology is concerned in order to boast our economy and realise vision 2022.

Swazi citizen

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