Home | Letters | OUR 21ST CENTURY PROVERBS 31


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Who is responsible for choosing one’s wife? This is a long standing question that has more questions than the actual answer itself.

I then took it to myself to study the holy book and try to analyse and come up with the best lead to a long standing question.
In fact the answer is hidden in Proverbs 31 where King Lemuel gets advice on the best wife for him.

It is a fortunate subject to note that the same qualities relayed to King Lemuel apply to our 21st Century wife material according to his advisor. According to my analyses this is our present day Proverbs 31, these are her qualities; she has compassion - she is generous - she is elegant (her style is presented with great honour for herself and her husband) - she should not have an idle mind (as the Bible also states that an idle mind is the devil’s playground) - she should be future oriented (makes plans for the future).

She should be wise (either fear God or has the potential to fear God), she should express herself through kind and educative words, she should be observant, she must work with her own hands, must have the ability to stand by her man, she should be an early bird (does things on time and has little or no qualities of panic in times of trouble) and she must find time for exercising.

She has her works following her, her man is respected due to her influence on him, she is a lady of her words and she is basically a reflection of her man (a bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh).
Having such information in mind I guess one is already finding ways to the answer of our previous question, don’t get lost we are still on the journey, just hold on.

Siphiwo Lushaba (siphiwolushaba@gmail.com)   

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