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The KM III International Airport opened for business in 2014 and is still doing nothing more in terms of flights and destinations than was being done at the Matsapha Airport three years ago.

Here’s another fairy tale concocted to try and slide responsibility somewhere else, it’s what we get from officialdom these days. The aviation laws in the kingdom are so strict that airlines are failing to meet the required criteria? What is being said then is that airlines are flocking to operate from here but are failing to meet the standards, which recognised airline has applied, if any? These failed airlines no doubt include the country’s own Swazi Airways.

Airlines are big business and if there was business to be conducted through this new ‘Hub’ it would be happening already. Unfortunately the authorities tasked with creating the business model to attract airlines have been suffering from ‘sitting on hands waiting syndrome’ which, as we all know, fails miserably, it’s like banking on rain when you should be constructing water storage.

However, some years later and it has been decided to tender out the work that should have been done internally already so we can get a move on. At what further cost I wonder and this long delay too?

Even more impressively, SWACAA has put a tender out for an environmental assessment for an office park construction close to the airport, should this assessment not have been done already? This well before the airport construction and all that was planned along with it. I’m sure a thorough assessment was meant to have been done already and that was put out to tender as well, so why another assessment?

 SWACAA will lease out some offices to the airlines and organisations which will be operating here once they manage to achieve certification via the kingdom’s stringent aviation laws and of course once an excellent business plan is created to sell the facilities of the ‘Hub’?

As per norm, the backwards route will be the way forward with another facility built before having any other tenants to utilise it, ingenious it must be said. That old adage of ‘You have to spend money to make money’ is wearing a bit thin with government and all its sideshows. It is seemingly sticking to this religiously as the ‘be all, end all’ method for conducting itself with those at the top tasked with running the country all nodding their approval.


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