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Many believe there are ‘white lies’ which are considered ‘small lies’ and there are ‘big lies’. To me they are just lies for the universe will always only give us what we already have.

Certain, get very angry if they find out that others have told a lie about something and yet it is quite in order for them to lie to get out of an uncomfortable situation. Since following what I now follow I have realised that the universe will only always give us what we already have, only a few times multiplied.

There are also those who lie about where they are and then go totally ballistic when others do the same. If you do not want people to lie to you learn to tell the truth. Tell it like it is, do not add spices or anything else to your situation, let it be the truth, although it has often been said the truth is rarely pure and rarely simple. However, when we do tell the truth we will always relate whatever it may be in exactly the same manner whereas when we tell a lie, the story tends to change every time we repeat it.

When I come across someone who cannot stop talking about how another has lied I realise that that person is angry because they too do lie from time to time when it suits them. 
Keeping up appearances merely to impress others does not and will never change a truthful situation. This reminded me of people who would rather live on a Swazi Bun and a Coke daily, simply to drive vehicles they can barely afford the repayments on. This facade only worsens the situation for that person will daily struggle not only to feed themselves but also to meet their obligations and the more they struggle the deeper into debt they get. However realising that driving a lesser expensive vehicle with lower repayments would lead to a less stressful life. 

We can lie ourselves into getting bank loans, etc, the truth of the matter is; will we be in a position to repay those loans? That is when reality will hit, when we cannot fulfil our obligations.  When the time comes to repay the money we then get into foul moods and ill-treat those who love us unconditionally. The only way out is to face it, something has to change. We have to find a solution and resolve the situation as soon as possible before it destroys not only our homes but our health in the process. Can driving that vehicle to keep up appearances mean more than having a peaceful life?

Every single uncomfortable situation we find ourselves in should be an indication that it is time to go back to the drawing board to find a resolution to the situation. Life is too short to lose one’s peace of mind merely to keep up a lie. The next time someone tells you a lie, realise that you are annoyed by it because you yourself do lie from time to time. If you do not like being lied to, stop lying for you are merely getting what you already have!
(Comments: My FB page; inaldathegreat@gmail.com; www.inalda.co.sz)
Inalda Jorge-Antonio

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