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Turn on the TV and you’ll see all kinds of gurus telling you how to be successful and fulfilled.
You’ll see Oprah and Doctor Phil dispensing advice on successful relationships. Proverbs 2 is a father’s appeal to a son.

This father wants what’s best for his son. The dad is Solomon, the wisest man who had ever lived.
He wants his son to be a success, but not in the way we usually think about it. He wants his son to be a spiritual success. But Proverbs 2 is more than an ancient sage appealing to his son. It’s God appealing to and instructing us. God wants us to be spiritually successful.

First of all, spiritual success is conditional, it won’t happen automatically. We must pursue God whole-heartedly. Though God pours out all things freely as gifts of grace, He gives us what the Puritans called ‘means of grace’, things like Bible intake, prayer, fellowship, preaching and reading spiritual books, means by which we receive grace. If we pursue God through these means, He promises to freely give grace.
Seeking God is like turning on a faucet.

Millions of gallons of water are just waiting to quench our thirst, but we have to turn on the faucet. God has bags and bags of grace stored up for us, but we must pursue him.
The fear of the Lord is not slavish, grovelling fear but a healthy knowledge of God’s holiness. It’s knowing that God hates sin and will not be mocked if we disobediently go on in it. I don’t go around all the time fearing that God will suddenly strike me down with lightning. But I know that if I give in to certain temptations, God will deal with it. He’s not mocked.

‘Finding the knowledge of God’ doesn’t mean we merely get knowledge about God, it means to know God personally.
In John 17:3 Jesus said; “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”

Jesus came to reveal the Father and bring us to him. There is nothing sweeter than an intimate relationship with God through Jesus. This is the ultimate success, this should be our ultimate goal in life.


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