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At the scene of an accident, there will usually be various different versions about what actually happened and it then becomes the duty of the relevant traffic authorities to determine the most likely cause, after having questioned those involved as well as the witnesses.

Likewise, a judge cannot pass judgment on someone without having heard both sides of those involved in a court case. There are always two sides to every story! Sometimes people tend to form opinions on somebody or something based on what they have heard or read without being properly informed. Even people you know, many avoid you or treat you with disdain because of something they heard about you, without having heard your side of the story.
They simply accept whatever they were told or heard as fact, without questioning. I call those people ‘yes men’.

There are also ‘yes men’ when it comes to something as important as religion. Many people embrace certain religious beliefs due to their cultural backgrounds and traditions or because they were born into families which follow certain religions and do not question the family beliefs.

That is why some people are convinced that even by following demonic entities posing as ‘gods’ they will still enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Just like with certain clothing brands, there are many counterfeit religions which were established by the deceiver with the purpose of leading people astray. Satan’s mission is Jesus Christ and satan’s hatred for Jesus Christ is not exactly a hidden secret.

There are many anti-Christian movements in the world which harbour great hatred against Christianity and there are also many who claim to be the ‘Messiah’ yet they do not represent the Kingdom of God. They do not come claiming to be Buddha, Shiva or Mahdi and they are anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindi or anti-Islam.

When a Muslim man recently went on a shooting spree targeting gays in the US, the LGBT community blamed Christianity for the incident, claiming that the words of a certain pastor drove the man to murder those people. However, the Bible is very clear about murder and it is mentioned in the very first of God’s Ten Commandments which some people hate so much.

Perhaps they view them as an obstacle to the utopian world as envisaged by the occultist Aleister Crowley in which you yourself are a (powerless) god who is free to do as you please. Perhaps that is the reason why Crowley offered his services to destroy Christianity in Marxist Russia.

Swazi citizen

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