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I am sure that this title has uprooted a lot of emotions and you are wondering why I thought of writing about it. It came to my mind that this is a trending topic of the ‘say yes contract’ because people hardly say no to it.

I wonder why girls find guys who like this arrangement attractive; I mean how can we agree to such a self-sided arrangement. I feel like a lady who agrees to such a ‘contract’ is lacking somewhere, she doesn’t know her self-worth.

The minute you guys bump into each other, a hug just happens, there is usually no disinclination to that, so think about it. What would sojourn you guys from bartering numbers, I mean we have social networks now, we chat all day and all night, and in the progression of chatting, the subject of what you used to do comes up again and we all know that one of the things we find hard to do is to forget.

There is one important thing in the world of sexual pleasure which homo sapiens tend to forget, more especially the young souls. There is this term referred as ‘soul tie’, this term bluntly scrutinises itself. The time you commit yourself to sexual relations with the opposite sex, something robust happens in between the souls, something that is beyond human elucidation but understandable.

Whenever you have sexual relations with the opposite sex, know that your souls are now tied. The soul tie terminates homes, families and future, such that one may find it rigid to go on only because of an ex. You know the part of bumping into your ex who you once had sex with? A dilemma is most likely to occur when your status states that you are single and that kind of status strongly pushes you into the other partner’s arms (your ex).

This kind of verbal contract is not good at all. I know sometimes there are affairs where you find that the girl loves the guy and in that situation, it’s more likely that the guy doesn’t feel the same way. The pain gets triple hurtful when the guy approaches you, and you thinking he loves you when he only wants a sexual companion.

Agreeing to that as a lady, might be because you think or feel like maybe sometime you will end up together all because you love him. There is only one result from agreeing to that; you will be emotionally drained because you have this hope that someday you will be an item.
 Ladies, agreeing to that kind of arrangement reveals how loose you are and your desperation. It’s not worth it, I mean the guy you might be satisfying is highly possible to espouse someone else, and you on the other side will be damaged goods.

Nkosing’phile NtshaliNtshali

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