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Thank you for allowing me space in your newspaper to air my views regarding one of the things that I believe is letting our country down.

It is so saddening to see most of our children not being serious with their school work with most of them dropping out of school even before reaching secondary level.
This is bad for our country because we all know that education is one of the paths to take us to His Majesty King Mswati III’s Vision 2022.

The whole country needs to improve its efforts in ensuring that education is given the value that it deserves. A good tree bears good fruits but before that happens there is a need to narture it properly. Our children are acting like they are sent to school just to make friends and enjoy lunch and other freebies yet that is not the case.

Off late the schools are losing their value and importance so there is a need to instill it in our children’s minds that the school is not a place meant to keep them busy but to gain important skills that will make them better people tomorrow. Parents must mould their children in such a way that these young souls go to school with an aim to work hard and progress in life.

Every parent in Swaziland needs to be very concerned about his or her children because when they drop out of school it is possible that later in life they will regret and find themselves being forced to be beggars on the streets or worse even try to make money though illicit means,

Also, ensuring that children get better education is important because it is a way of making sure that the parents when they retire and become old they will be taken care of by these children that they spent their money educating. That is how life is supposed to be. We need these young people and the more skills they acquire, the more the country will develop and improve on issues such as economic development.

M B Dlamini

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