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Many readers have probably heard about cannibalism. This is a culture still practised in our time in the lands of Papua New Guinea and Africa.

To appease the gods of nature, some humans are murdered and roasted or cooked and eaten.
Some of the body parts are kept as a sacrifice to the gods. Also as part of this culture, the stomachs of pregnant women are opened and the feotuses taken out in order to appease the gods of nature in return for fortune and power. Slavery is a culture still practised in many parts of the world, including in north Sudan, Saud Arabia and many countries. 

While it is true that slavery comes in different forms and models, the worse form of it is still practised in today’s time.  This form includes the forceful abduction of male and female children.  The male children are cruelly castrated, to render them sexually impotent, especially those to be guards of their masters’ wives.

The girls, on the hand, are kept as sexual pleasure machines for their masters while others are sold to the highest bidders to be used as commercial sex-slaves by their pimps.  Female circumcision is a live culture among many African nations today. The young women are circumcised in a very inhumane manner, leaving them in excruciating pain.

This has led to untold suffering, including failure to bear children and permanent disfigurement.
Sodomy was and still is a culture practised today.  In ancient Rome, well know figures including national and government officials practised sodomy. Today this is practiced as homosexual life-styles. 

Many Swazis have come out to declare their homosexuality. Swazis and many Africans are familiar with witchcraft practices which are called natural religion (inkholo yemdzabu) and the killing of people with albinism. Witchcraft comes in different forms.

For instance, the witchcraft newspapers report about in football games is different from the witchcraft practised by married women as means to control their men. This too is somehow different from the witchcraft practised as Swazi culture.

The common denominator is that all witchcraft involves casting of magical spells in order to influence and achieve certain goals.  The worse form of it is the killing of other people using muti-charms and the now common hunting and killing of people with albinism for their body parts.

These are all cultures/beliefs, many people, even those who claim to be well-enlightened, still hold on to dearly. Some call themselves Christians. To pastors who have been coming out to support the Incwala; all these cultures are given to us by the God of the Bible. I am flabbergasted. 

True, the Bible makes it clear that God Jehovah created human beings and the universe as we know it. There is evidence to prove this.  However, not everything people believe and practise is allowed by God.  The Bible is here to teach us what is acceptable to God Jehovah. Before government announced the banning of teaching of other religions in lower school grades, I was the one who was against it.
Conversely, why not teach everything in Grade One, so that those pupils who will not make it to the next grade may benefit right from the first year syllabus?  Of course, there are those who will not reach Form One for one reason or the other, including falling pregnant. These pupils will never know what those doing Form One know.

B.B. Nkosi

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