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I was driving when I saw a young primary school girl who has to walk a distance from home to school, with no socks, yet there was a chill in the air, worst of all, it was morning. Her hair uncombed, unclean-creased uniform and a torn school bag. That soaked my eyes with tears because seeing a child in this state really breaks me down.

You discern that feeling when you have a phone but you have no one to call maybe because there is no airtime for you to make that phone call.

You know when you have attained something because of your hard work, you feel like screaming to the whole planet telling the best news and it hurts not to have someone you can share your success with. When you fail, no one is there to offer you a shoulder to cry on, when you are ill no one is there to look after you, or nobody takes you seriously when you say you are not well because no one cares at all.

When you feel hunger, no one will feed you, when people celebrate; you have nothing to celebrate because you have nothing at all. You see people gathering with their families, celebrating the festive, or even birthdays yet you have no family; it hurts and it does create a feeling of jealousy. When you have dreams to share and no one is there to listen; it feels good to have someone to listen to your dreams and wishes, it gives you confidence to achieve it. A lot of people know how it is like being an orphan.

We consider ourselves as orphans if we don’t have parents, our biological parents and that is normal of course, and sometimes we do feel like we are orphans even if we have parents because we feel less loved or cared for, taken for granted and abused for everything we do.
When our parents or guardians make us feel unwanted or less useful, they make us realise that they made an enormous mistake by taking us in.

Orphans comprehend the value of everything more than those who have parents and they are capable of being prosperous. To fly like a bird is what they need the most, nothing feels amazing than seeing a less privileged child smiling, happy. Life hasn’t, doesn’t, will never give us a choice in a lot of things in this world.

No one gets a chance to choose a family, you just have to adjust with the standard of the status of the family you find yourself born into. We never choose parents, country and neighbours. Yet we have a choice of choosing friends, and the lives we want to live through our hard work and faith.

Picture how the world would be if every creature would be given a chance to pick a family, country etc. I guess every baby would be of royal blood, no one would be pitiable, and everyone would live in a tower. But unfortunately, the world is not sufficient to house wealthy humans, Different social statuses help us in being better citizens in future.

Nkosing’phile NtshaliNtshali


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