Home | Letters | 2022, VISION OR DREAM?


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The words vision and dream may have the same meaning but they have a significant difference. A few years back, His Majesty shared a wonderful vision with his people; that Swaziland must attain First World status by 2022.

I therefore would like to bring to the attention of people, particularly the youth, the massive strength of the word vision.
The word has a series of meanings, but defining it as ‘what one sees after a certain end cover’ best suits my letter. A dream on the other hand is defined as a series of mental images and emotions occurring while asleep. I cannot force people to dream or be visionary.

I can only bring clarity between the two so that each individual may choose with full knowledge and deliberation. People who believe 2022 to be a vision must fasten their seatbelts, we are about to take off. Each individual must find a role to play to make vision 2022 a success. If we hope for a corrupt-free nation, then we all must take part and fight corruption.

 If we envision an HIV and AIDS free Swaziland, we should follow all precautions to prevent HIV/AIDS. A crime free society is a possible ideal if we could identify all centres of crime and put an end to it. Unemployment could be a thing of the past if entrepreneurs take it upon themselves to explore the employment structure and provide jobs for the nation. If by 2022 the country must have zero under-education, then all persons must wake up and utilise government’s resources and acquire education.
Cabinet ministers cannot do it alone; Members of Parliament may implement strategies but without our enthusiasm their efforts are good for nothing.

Let us all find a role to play to make 2022 a success. We should all find ourselves space in the wonderful society of 2022. Let us walk this horizon together in a spirit of acceptance, cooperation and peace. Those who view 2022 as a dream may as well go back to sleep and dream on. When they wake up they will find a crime free country, a corruption free generation, an HIV and AIDS free nation and a country with many employment opportunities. The most painful thing is that they won’t be a part of it. They won’t just fit in because they won’t know how it came into being. So Swaziland, let us join hands and view 2022 as a vision and not just a dream.

Lungelo Matsenjwa

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