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I had just finished sweeping my yard which had taken almost six hours when my helper said; “That wind yesterday just came to cause a lot of work.” My response was; “No, it came to shake up the energies and brought a lot of goodness with it.

You see now, the air-conditioner which had been standing in the way for over a year was today sold and due to the wind blowing leaves everywhere I ventured into spaces I had not been in ages resulting in me finding  my garden tools I thought I had lost.”
This not only stunned my helper but even those who overheard the discussion.

I could have chosen to become miserable because ‘there was so much work’. We can choose to let something drain us or we can choose to let it pick us up. Nothing happens by mistake and there are no accidents in life. Even an accident teaches one to become more conscious, alert and aware of one’s behaviour while driving or undertaking any sort of work.

This is why it is imperative to stay in and live the moment at all times, to take conscious decisions, for a moment of lapse in concentration can result in one not injuring themselves only, but others.

In a discussion with an acquaintance I enquired how she met her month end expenses and her response was devastating. She said she rendered sexual pleasures to a certain man and it was only after she was subjected to humiliation by this man that he handed her the rent money and always on the last day stipulated by the landlord. I endeavoured to convince her that because that was her ‘belief’ she could change it and become self-sufficient. Since this appears to be the norm in the country, it is the reason why many women are angry and bitter.

Humiliation tends to strip one of not only self-confidence but brings other uncomfortable vibrations to the fore. Attack is the only form of defence for women in such situations and it is sad to note that they give up on themselves and the possibility of being self-sufficient.
There are numerous young girls who are unhappy in their homes and decide to experiment with sexual encounters, electing to believe this will make men love them; marry them or thereafter provide for all their needs thus removing them from the miserable unhappy parental home.

Since they do not already have happiness, it is obvious such an attempt will not in the long run bring them happiness and will only bring forth more misery; with the responsibility of having to provide for a baby which is no easy task. Choosing to ‘work on the relationship’ at home would help one better understand relationships elsewhere.

Everything basically starts and ends with one. One’s experiences will always be a result of one or other thought. Desperation cannot ever result in a relationship working out. Anything done with ulterior motives may initially succeed but can end up costing one.  Choose wisely; there are consequences for any one of our choices. Once we flip our thoughts for the better, life happens.
(For more go to: www.inalda.co.sz)
Inalda Jorge-Antonio

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