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I want to take this opportunity to request the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) to continue with the civil education and educate the people of Swaziland about the importance of the upcoming national elections.

Firstly, I must point out that in many countries all over the world, there is a deep concern not only about the overall level of participation by citizens, but mainly among young people, women and the indigenous population.
It is a fact that there is, always been, an increasing reluctance among the youth to participate in politics and exercise the right to vote, and this has an effect on the overall meaning and objectives of this type of exercise which according to my understanding, relates to democracy.

A weakened democracy is not good for any country. It is a concern that many young people do not bother to participate in national elections and behave as though their vote does not count.
That is why I am pleading with the EBC to reach out to all the communities in the country’s four regions and educate properly about the importance of taking part in the elections.
During the education exercise, the EBC must drum sense to the young people of this country and make them aware that elections play a vital role in a system of representative democracy.

Youngsters who are involved in the electoral process affirm their support, as well as acquire a stake in the system and an appreciation that they, too, can affect politics and policy. 
I still insist that many Swazis, especially young people, lack the understanding of elections and do not have an idea of the type of candidates they should vote for. This is every after two years, they start complaining that the people they voted for are not fulfilling their promises.

This is a serious issue and I must state that we do not want one and the same thing from the EBC but serious civic education. And this time around, the elections are critical because we will be selecting individuals who will form a Parliament that will take us to 2022 and ensure that His Majesty’s The King’s vision is fulfilled.
The youth of this country need to come in their numbers and take part in the elections, the time is now.

If they do not do it now, they will never do it. My advice is that when they take part, they must ensure they elect people who are accountable and have integrity, not greedy individuals who will just focus on enriching their families.
From the headmen to the councillors, let it be people who will have the interests of their communities at heart and not ones who will think for themselves and forget about the electorate.
The EBC must remind the members of the public that voting is the only form of participation in which each citizen has an equal say (one person, one vote). By voting, youth have the same ability as others to exercise political influence or pressure.

Universal participation in elections ensures the faithful representation of the popular will, and young people should vote to develop a habit of voting from the start and thus, ensure high turnout.Young people may have political interests that differ from those of older voters. But if young people don’t vote, they and their distinct interests are more likely to be ignored or neglected by policy-makers.

The EBC must take a step forward in making youth voter participation and its importance for the future of democracy a priority topic. I do hope that all stakeholders including civic organisations, leaders in different departments and young people will take a stand against the low voter turnout by new or supporting existing efforts to address it.

Umusa Wa-Vuki

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