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Thank you for allowing me space in your informative newspaper to talk about this serious issue regarding the transport sector of the country.

It is sad that almost on a daily basis we see pictures of accidents that have occurred on our roads. School going pupils, employees and other members of the public who are Swazis die on our roads and you ask yourself if the Ministry of Public Works and Transport even cares. You wonder if the ministry does know that it has role to play in ensuring that accidents are minimised on our roads. Honestly, I do not blame the accidents on the state of the roads, I believe that they are not bad after all. All I know is that the lives of commuters are not safe anymore. There is some serious recklessness and contempt of the rules plus complete disregard for human life. These, according to me are the reasons for the high number of accidents on our roads.

I must mention that I do not understand why unroadworthy cars are still allowed to transport our children to school, when will this ever end? I also feel that there is not much that is done in as far as the testing of public transport is concerned. This I say because even a car is declared unfit during inspections you will see it on the road the following day. What then is the objective of these inspections? Does anyone care to monitor what happens after the cars have been declared unfit by the inspectors? This issue stresses me especially where school going children are concerned so much that I even feel that perhaps the Ministry of Education and Training should take a stand and regulate how children are transported to schools. This would help ensure that it is not just any car or bus that can transport children to school but one that is fit to be on the road including the one that is driving.
I feel sorry for parents who rely on the cheap and subsidised buses that transport their children to school.

It is time for our government to put an end to the carnage of accidents because rules mean nothing if they are not enforced.
Everyday a kombi is responsible for multiple deaths. Why are taxi bosses and government officials not held liable for unroadworthy vehicles, incompetent drivers and recklessness?
It is a fact that most kombi drivers are reckless and have a tendency of ignoring road signs and other rules on the road. Something needs to be done because it is unacceptable for innocent children to lose their lives because of recklessness.

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