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Is it possible for a Muslim living in any country of the world to be obedient to his country of residence and remain loyal to his religious teachings?

The same question was asked of Hazrat Jesusas.  Prophet Jesusas silenced the questioners when he said: “Then saith he unto them, render therefore unto Caesar things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s (Matthew 22:21). Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give unto God what belongs to God. The questioners were dumbfounded when he showed them the penny coin and showed them the picture of Caesar on the coin. Let me state at the very onset that this is not only possible, it is compliant to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the instructions of the holy founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammadsaw. It is of vital importance, that a Muslim fully remains loyal in letter and spirit to the country of his residence.

The people and Government of Swaziland accepted Muslims and other immigrants with open arms. How can their loyalties be elsewhere? Islam forbids Muslims to be disloyal and instructs that Muslims reciprocate this noble gesture with gratitude. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw is reported to have said; “He who is not grateful to people can never be grateful to God.” It is against the essence of Islam and hypocritical that people benefit from the economic, social and human rights in their country of residence, but their loyalties are with other countries. Muslims owe it a duty to see to the progress and growth of the country of their residence. Many of you, the business Muslim community, arrived here empty handed, allowed by the authorities of this country and granted permission to work and earn a living. It is now your religious duty to support the growth of the country by paying all legitimate taxes, failure of which is sinful according to the teachings of Islam.

Under declaring or hiding your profit in order to evade tax is thievery, and stealing is evil and sinful. Hiding your profits from SRA also has a connotation of lies and lying is the third of the gravest sins in Islam according to a saying of the Holy founder of Islam. So make no mistake; the Kingdom of Swaziland is your chosen country of residence and your sympathies and loyalties must be with Swaziland. You must zealously and passionately try to be good citizens and do all that is possible towards nation building. Non-Islamic gestures of Muslims in Swaziland have cast a slur on the image of Islam and it is for Muslims to correct the wrongs by 1. Returning goodness with goodness. 2. Abhoring disorder. 3. Showing gratitude by paying all legitimate taxes. 4. Obedience to authority and 5. To genuinely love Swaziland, which should be part of your faith.

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