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In every social set up governance is through headship.

I could use the family metaphor to clarify this point. The husband is the head of the family. If the head doesn’t think straight, you can always see it from the chaotic life of the family. It’s the same in an individual’s life. The whole body could be perfect from the tip of the toe to the shoulders, but if the head is not in a good state, then you have a ‘lunatic’. We can’t sincerely look forward to a bright future as a nation if government is not in the right state. I consider it common knowledge that our actions and/or direction in life are a product of our decisions. Summarily, wrong decisions always equal wrong action and/or wrong direction. No one can truthfully hope to get to some great destination by default; it just never works that way. Government has taken a series of questionable decisions that have led the country into the mess we find ourselves in. Worse lies ahead unless a remedy is found speedily. We do have clearheaded people in the country to whom we can commit the noble task of deciding on our behalf.

I wish to suggest that the systemic meltdown in our country could have been avoided.  Systemic is used strategically here to suggest that not only is the economic aspect of our society in tatters, but almost every other aspect, thanks to a government which never finds shame in taking mediocre decisions. We find ourselves as a nation at a very critical junction where sound leadership is no longer a luxury. The country can’t afford ‘blind’ leadership anymore; otherwise we’ll sink into some worse abyss than this. When someone is capable of messing up your life that person should not be given the noble task of mending it. We do not have a spare country. This government is only capable of messing up and never fixing things.

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