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Life is very interesting and also sad at the same time. How many of us used to think that when we grow up we would be pilots and live luxurious lifestyles.

What happened to those dreams? Life happened. Some wanted to be engineers when they grew up but the monster called mathematics stood in their way and they gave up.

Others were told by certain people who they thought knew better that they will never make it in life and they believed it.
There could be as many obstacles to your success as there could be opportunities. Most of us no longer live our lives; we live people’s lives. We are obsessed about what will people say.

This has made us scared of exploring new avenues because of the fear of failing.
That’s why we tend to settle for less than we really desire. These not taken attempts are the ones that have caused our failure. We scared that people will laugh once we fail. Failure is something internal in a human being, not external as most people perceive. What is external is people’s opinion not failure. The only person responsible for your success or failure is within you. Don’t allow people’s opinion deter you from what you believe in. So don’t let negative people’s opinions stop you on your road to success.

Would there be planes if the Wright brothers listened to people’s opinions? It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed, failure is only achieved when you stop trying at least one more time.
The person who will determine whether you have failed or passed is you not anybody else. People’s opinions can change within the blink of an eye.

And if you listen to them and stop working on your ideas, then you are the one responsible for the failure. People’s opinions change and sometimes you get shocked, if you choose success over failure, all of a sudden the very same people who were telling everybody who cared to listen that you will not make it, quickly change tune. The bottom line is that people will always have an opinion.
The people who always tell others that they won’t succeed are not worth listening to because they are the segment of society that is busy wasting it’s time discouraging people instead of being busy working on their own projects.

Unless it’s constructive criticism, trust me that criticism is coming from somebody who is below you in intellect and can only see things in the less imaginable way because his/her brain is not in line with yours. People who discuss people are usually people who have nothing else to do than discuss people. Believe in yourself, never give up. work in silence, let your Bentley do the talking.

P F Dlamini

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