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I have noticed that teachers are treated like slaves yet they are God’s good-hearted people.

In training they learn that feedback must be brought in time to learners so that it would motivate them. Which means when a test is written, it needs to be back to the earners by the next day. Teachers don’t rest; they work day and night since they mark at night and write a prep-book. Marking learners’ work is good preparation since the teacher will be spotting each learner’s mistakes, mark them on the paper so that in the next day it would be discussed well since the mistakes will be still fresh on the learners’ minds. I think a good teacher is the one who values the needs of the learners than the needs of the deputy head teacher or inspectors. A research has to be done to compare the results of a teacher who writes his/her prep-book daily with a teacher who focuses on learners’ work by marking their work and who motivates them.

At night they mark and prepare for the next day’s lessons. Think of a Mathematics teacher who teaches 55 learners in one stream and maybe 50 learners in another stream, who has to mark their exercise books every day just to motivate his/her learners; and a prep-book is demanded on the next day. You can’t afford not to mark learners’ work because it will de-motivate them from doing class work and homework. It is clear that teachers are slaves because they have a lot of work but they are underpaid. This has to be reviewed, especially the prep-book issue because I don’t think it has a positive input in a classroom environment. Instead it has a negative input since a teacher who focuses on the prep-book, and who is honest enough to his/her master does not produce good results by the end of the year, and he/she will be blamed for that. And a teacher who is not honest on prep-books normally produces good results.

Good head teachers and inspectors, please withdraw the prep-book from the teachers’ load just to produce good results and this will even make parents happy about those schools which produce good results. All in all, the rank of paying teachers needs to be changed and prep-books need have to be removed from the teachers’ load since this exhausts and de-motivates the underpaid teachers.

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