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There are quite a number of issues that can unfortunately lead us to always be in debt; some are ‘uncontrollable’ and others could have easily been prevented.

There are ‘affluent’ people who are in such a financial crisis; where a normal person would not understand as these people get mammoth salaries, live in elite suburbs, drive the best cars, have their children in the best schools.
It would be unbelievable to others that their greatest role models are broke.

We have read of ‘socialites’ being arrested for petty crimes and I’m sure it doesn’t make sense to many people as the culprits are known to be wealthy. It is so sad because society has put so much pressure on these people to a point where they lose themselves in the midst of keeping up appearances.

There are those who want to show off, seem to be doing extremely well financially, and yet are scheming who to rob.
Sadly there are people who unnecessarily expose themselves to a disastrous financial situation. There was a time when I could afford almost anything I wanted; but growing up happened.

I had to have a home, a comfortable car, the children came with a billion financial needs, relatives with a million urgent requests kept calling, the grocery list doubled, rates increased and everything else you can imagine.
We know in our minds that we work so hard, hence deserve to earn a good salary meaning that we can afford to live the lives we lived a few years ago; forgetting that these added responsibilities were not there.

It is high time we review our expenditure. People need to introspect and be honest with themselves, if they really need to live in a house with a bond they can barely pay, do they really need to drive that car that makes everyone turn when they drive off. Do they really need to do summer shopping again, are last year’s summer clothes really not wearable?

I plead with them that before they unnecessarily go insane over financial troubles; they must be proactive; rather than reactive.
If they are not careful; they might just find themselves addicted to gambling, involved in fraud, losing their precious jobs and families.

Justice Mbhele

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