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I am very shocked at such a loss. Football and the Swazi nation has lost a great legend of all times. The beautiful game (football) will never be the same ever again. Some people are born true leaders. This person was a down to earth footballer who never harmed even a fly.

Football has become a unifying symbol in all nations of this world. It is therefore the reason why one is completely shattered and dismayed to hear of the tragic loss of one of the true sons of Swazi football, Victor ‘Maradona’ Gamedze.
 He used to be one of the people who inspired a lot of many other players in the country.

 I remember him vividly when I was still a journalist. That was the time when I met him and I remember very well that I was doing a story about Mbabane Swallows.

And Victor is one of the players I interviewed at the time. He always called me ‘Mr V’.
I was very humbled by his reception to afford me an interview, especially because Journalists were in that era taken otherwise by some people in the country. In Victor, I was able to learn a lot.

 It is for that reason I strongly believe that the football fraternity will never be the same without such people. We have seen him doing a host of other activities which not only benefitted his team (Mbabane Swallows FC) alone but the Swazi nation as a whole.

We are all at pain with such a loss. May God bandage the pain of his relatives, friends, Mbabane Swallows, the Swazi nation and all those who were touched by his life. Some people are born leaders and so was Victor who openly interacted with people of all backgrounds including the poor.

Who would have ever imagined that some of the marginalised sections of the country could ever think of becoming shareholders of the new cellular provider, Swazi Mobile.

You might have gone my brother but Swaziland will always celebrate your achievements. May your soul rest in peace. We love you. We will always miss you.

Velaphi M. Hlatshwayo

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