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Please allow me to use this widely read newspaper to voice out the many things that worry me every day in this beautiful country.

Firstly, I must point out that there is a lot that is not going right in this country and this is evident in the killing of women and children plus other incidents. Nowadays it is like it is becoming a habit to just kill yet many years ago one would be scared to even carry a dangerous weapon.

However, my point today is on the corruption which I feel will destroy this country. We read about corrupt acts on a daily basis with some being committed by the people that we expect to be leaders in our pursuit of attaining First World Status.

In a few months’ time the country will be having its national elections where some individuals will use corrupt acts to garner votes. Yes, it has happened in the past and these people win and continue with their acts even when they become legislators. The desperate Swazi who has not means of income will have no choice but to vote for individuals just because they offered a few cents or bags of mealie meal.

We have to think hard about the road that we are taking and it saddens me that it is like most people are comfortable with sitting back and watching while the country goes down the drain. Why are we silent when we can all see that there is a lot wrong?
People are not only stealing government funds through corrupt acts in the issuing of tenders but some go to the extent of robbing innocent citizens of their land using His Majesty King’s Mswati III’s name.

As a Swazi, it saddens me when the King’s name is used because I know for a fact that he cannot take land from orphans. The King loves his people but he is being let down by corrupt individuals.
The many reports of corruption make one wonder if the bodies that were established to deal with this are efficient enough. If they are not then there is a need to sit down and check what the problem is.

The abuse of government funds will continue because even when people are arrested the cases drag for a long time before judgments are issued. Some even after they have served jail time they come back to live normal lives and continue from where they left off. It is like now people are okay with abusing government funds because they know that they will only stay a few years in jail and then come back and enjoy the money that they stole.


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