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As the nation anticipates the national elections which are expected to be held this year, I would like to point out that for some, they do not mean anything.
This is because all that they result in greedy individuals who go to Parliament and do nothing.

The term for the outgoing Parliament is about to come to an end but it is sad to note that it has failed to do what was expected of it.
You cannot tell me that most of the ministries failed to get some of the crucial acts to be passed into law.

We send representatives almost every month to represent the country at international conferences where making the lives of citizens better is preached but we come back here and do nothing.
Political figures gather for the Economic Forum every year and I always ask myself if our country does bother to take those lessons.

For years the country’s citizens have been complaining about almost the same issues including lack of jobs for the youth, poor medication supply at hospitals and clinics and poor education but still there is no improvement.
Another sickness that is affecting our beautiful country is the corruption mostly in government.

This is a serious issue but it is sad that seemingly existing laws are not strict enough to those convicted.
The whole country is having problems in terms of managing resources due to high corruption rate and this gets worse because in most of the cases the offenders are not brought to book.
I therefore plead with the Swazi nation to vote wisely in the upcoming elections so that we have people who will represent us fairly and diligently in Parliament.

We want people who will pass strict laws that will deal with corruption and policies that will improve the education system in the country.
We want individuals who will speak for the poor and ensure that employment opportunities are opened. We have had enough of greedy individuals who just go to Parliament to enrich themselves.
The future of this country lies in the individuals that we will elect to represent our interests in Parliament. If we vote for the wrong people everything will go wrong and this is not what we want.

Matsenjwa Sika,

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