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I started dating older men at school when I was 16 but luckily I forgot about them when I finished school. Early this year I met a guy who happened to be dating my younger sister but their relationship was just a fling since it only took four days.

It stopped when the guy went after me, claiming he never loved my sister. I had no intention of getting involved with him since I told myself that I wanted nothing to do with older men.

But there was so much attraction and interest on both our parts, and we both caved in, though I knew his marital status.
Now I see that doing that was wrong. When a man pampers you with gifts, calling you all day long, telling you he loves you so much and takes you to B&Bs, lodges, guest houses and hotels but never takes you home, saying he doesn’t want people to talk after seeing you together or doesn’t want his parents to see you; you must ask yourself why.


This is because he is trying to protect his reputation.
He spends time with you but later goes home and starts playing daddy leaving you all alone.
No matter what he buys you, it will never change the fact that he has very beautiful children, a wife and other commitments.
You will continue telling yourself and your friends that he is going to leave his wife for you, but that will never happen.

This is because he can’t live without his wife; so he has the best of both worlds.
He is with you because he feels he lost the romance and spark he had at the beginning of his marriage. You miss him so bad that you want to be with him but you cannot because he is at home with his wife and you can’t do anything about that.

You have lonely weekends, hoping that he will come and spend it with you but that’s not possible because weekends are family time and you my dear are not his family.

He isn’t cheating on you because you are good at being the other woman but because you are not good enough to be the woman.


You are his refuge when he is bored, you are his mistress. He has you exactly where he wants you. You are his play thing and I am if it sounds harsh but it’s true.
Let us wake up and rid ourselves of this married but available notion, if he is married he is available to his wife only.

Feli Fali

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