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Democracy is a system that was designed to serve the people. The basis of democracy is that the majority governs and the minority forms the opposition to establish some checks and balances.

This system tried to ensure that fair governance is guaranteed and supposed to be a glove fitting all hands  for all nations in the world. However, the reality is that exactly the opposite is happening.

Nations are embattled in complete loss of direction regarding national development and as a result they are either fighting civil wars or provoking other nations into war.

The key thing worth noting here is that democracy was assembled by ‘man’ and it can only be tested in ‘ideal’ environments. I am an engineer, so I know for a fact that ‘man’ cannot exist in an ‘ideal’ environment. The problem then comes from this premise, democracy is a hypothetical system that runs efficiently only on simulations.

When the system is transferred to real man, then we have a problem because real men are never 100 per cent ideal. Hence we have seen a number of ‘democratically’ governed nations suffer impoverishment beyond human measure because of civil wars over presidencies or greedy presidents stealing as much as they can in whatever term of office they are given.

The problem here is because the presidents are very intelligent, and intelligence combined with money will win you elections because influencing people for a limited time period is a simple strategy. Democracy is good in choosing the person with the highest intelligence-net worth ratio. After executing the elections and campaign strategies the intelligent president holds the highest office of the nation and immediately reality kicks in.

The term of office is limited, the strategies you want to implement are met with resistance, your own greed is put to the test as well and in the end the intelligent president realises that it is impossible to implement the change he wanted to implement in the timeframe given.
Eventually greed takes over and he steals what he can because he just realised that to win an election you need money and intelligence, but to lead a nation you need wisdom even more, money and intelligence take second precedence.

On a different note, Monarchical Democracy was given to Swazis by God because he loved them. It is only Monarchical Democracy that has wisdom. A leader of a nation cannot be chosen, but can only be born. All Swazis know kutsi inkhosi ayibekwa kepha iyatalwa.
It was King Somhlolo who had a vision and said maSwati tsatsani umculu niyekele idilinga. And it is public knowledge that His Majesty the King had a vision of a Swaziland having attained First World status by 2022. The message here is simple, get wisdom from the Bible and money and intelligence will follow you.

That is the gift God gave to the Swazi nation. With a peaceful nation and united in intelligence supporting our wise King, Swaziland is going to be a First World country by 2022. Now that’s a certainty more than a probability, I have the proof.

Thundendleleni Dlamini          

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