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Through the Bible, believers of the Word of God get to learn about the history of the world and the origins of life. They learn that the world was created in just six days and that God made man in his own image. They also learn that Satan once dwelt in the heavenly realm but was cast down from heaven to earth along with one third of angels because of their rebellion against the Most High.
Genesis 3 tells us that they appeared to the first humans in the Garden of Eden and were reptilian or serpent in form.

victims of Satan

The first humans were also the first victims of Satan’s deceitful ways.
In many of the world’s different cultures, there are legends and so called myths which refer to ‘gods’ from the stars that are said to be reptilian or amphibian in form and were often described as being the ‘creator gods’ of humanity! This just goes to show how the deception has been perpetuated throughout the ages.

The Lung Wang of China, the Nags of India, the Tmatha de Danann of Britain or the Nomo’s of Mali, all seen to represent the same ‘alien ‘entities which are also known by many other names all around the world.
Many people also believe that they were responsible for building some of the greatest mega-structures of the ancient world such as the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico and China and those were behind the emergence of many of the world’s religions and occult secret societies.

Helena Blavatsky of the New Age Movement believed that they were gods who survived the sinking of their earthly colony known as Atlantis and also Thule, Lemuria or Kumari Kandan (Ezekiel 26). According to Blavatsky, their ‘divinity’ is said to have diminished due to their interbreeding with ‘lover’ life forms – humans (Genesis 6:4).

Garden of Eden

Believers know that sin entered the world with Satan in the Garden of Eden and that sin is an action which results in death (Genesis 3:4 -19). Believers also know that no man on earth is without sin (John 8 7-11).
This is the reason why God offered himself as sacrifice in the person of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh to die in our place for our sins so that all who accept him as their Lord and Saviour can have eternal life (John 3:31 -36).
But of course Satan, the greatest deceiver has gone to great lengths to try and blind people from this reality for the simple reason that he does not want people to be saved by the blood which Jesus shed on the cross for his beloved creation, going to the extent of denying the divinity of Jesus.
However, the Bible is very clear on the identity of Jesus as explained in John 10:30-38 and also in Revelation 1:17 -18 and Isaiah 9:6. Jesus Christ is God.

Swazi Citizen

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