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It is shameful to highlight despicable scenes occurring in local football stadiums. It is sensitive and abhorrent to realise that big teams are so entangled with shear unprofessionalism, muti and cult medieval beliefs which have the potential of defaming, discrediting and damaging local football.

The bad thing is that their obsession to win matches has clouded their passion and mandate to please their fans; they don’t care about their fans.
What they want to fulfill is egocentric agendas and greedy self-centered passions at the expense of fans paying their money to watch football.

The officials of Mbabane Highlanders and Manzini Wanderers embarrassed themselves in their last game. They were seen, in full view of fans, embattled with each other exchanging blows, fighting over suspicions of muti and witchcraft.

I know that their selfishness is clouding and motivating their actions. It is so intense that they can’t individually assess their actions, hence their lack of judgement on the extent of fallacy and the damage inflicted on Swazi football development.

I am afraid the football directing bodies of Swaziland are toothless. They absolutely have no meaningful ways to completely uproot these bad practices in national football matches.

Partly because they are encouraging the national team to practice likewise and also because they are not fully independent in passing judgement.

The very same people who got their teams embroiled in such unprofessional practices form part of the football mother bodies.
The use of muti in local matches is becoming a pain in national finances. The private companies sponsoring local teams need to put pressure on them against the utilisation of muti.

I pray that the elite football leadership bodies device stringent rules and prudent mechanisms to institute unbiased disciplinary proceedings to clubs conducting themselves unprofessionally to curb the unruly behaviour of Premier League teams. This may forge a brighter future of Swazi football.

If this is not given the urgency it deserves, and be addressed as promptly as possible, local football will lose its credibility and possibly return back to the ashes.
All Premier League teams are not exonerated from this. They are guilty of being bad examples and role models to other teams aspiring to play in the Premier League.

They are guilty of perpetrating a filthy practice. There is no clemency for them unless they take it upon themselves to make it a responsibility to root out this unprofessional conduct.
At the moment no one hopes for a better future for Swazi football. The scenes in football finals aren’t helping too. We are worried as fans of local football and we can’t abide in unison to doomsday and peril.

Cyclone Gama

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