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With the term of office of the incumbent Swazi Government reaching its final stages and the nation holding its breath, hoping that a future government will not display the largely at times incompetent running of the country displayed by the outgoing government, come 2019, I decided to conduct a little research and find out what should we as a nation look for in our future cabinet.

Although mindful of the glaring fact that you and me have no role or say whatsoever in choosing the calibre of leaders we may hope for, I told myself what have I got to lose anyway by my wishful thinking?

required resolute
Here we go. Beginning with the leader of cabinet himself, what attributes should he possess? He must have and display the required resolute steel and ruthless driven by justice, fairness and impartiality and above all not be vindictive to his detractors.

He needs to be someone who does not lead from behind. Be able to take firm and decisive action in the national interest. Obviously, he cannot please everyone and has to take decisions that may not please some. He needs to be of sound mind, not prone to taking emotional and irrational decisions. A combination of a heart of steel and godly principles of love, empathy, forgiveness and occasionally waving the olive branch to his detractors is important.

appointing authority

He must not be a liability to the appointing authority and must avoid setting the people against the authority. Qualities of being astute and competent are vital.
His team of subordinates? Competence, no gross inefficiency and no rewarding of loyalty with critical ministries. In this day and age, academic qualifications and compatibility to the relevant ministry are important.

For instance, a mere nurse cannot be appointed to lead a critical ministry like that of Health. Don’t get me wrong - no malice intended. Granted, someone with vast managerial, leadership skills and impeccable credentials in a ministry may be appointed, but someone with relevant qualities and qualifications in that particular ministry should be given first preference.

All subordinates need to possess initiative and not always consult even where independent thinking is required. Of course, it is imperative not for any member of the team to drill holes in the boat the rest of the team is rowing!
The team of ministers must display an above reproach acumen and not be susceptible to corrupt tendencies.

follow orders like robots
They must have a vision and clear understanding of the requirements of  the relevant ministry.
Loyalty to their leader is of course important, but at the same time, their leader must give them room to use their grey matter situated between their ears and not be programmed to follow orders like robots.

They must work well with civil servants in the lower rungs of their ladders in the ministry they lead. No sitting on a high pedestal, pomposity a no-go area. The head of government needs to rally his troops to perform at their optimum and best levels. Inefficiency must not be condoned or tolerated...

Each minister must display calmness, be rational and accept criticism and refrain from throwing tantrums when especially, the media critiques the poor performances of his or her ministry. Making the media your ally is vital. The Fourth Estate can make or break any minister and his or her ministry.

Alex Nxumalo - 76058449

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