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Sport, like music, is something which has the power to unite people of different backgrounds.

When they are wearing the colours of their favourite teams, few people are as fanatical as the fans of major sports teams.
It is as if a sense of belonging to a ‘greater cause’ overwhelms them, and many even develop a mob mentality when violence breaks out by taking part in it, as if they were defending their countries from foreign invaders – alongside perfect strangers.

But like sheep that are clueless about where they are being led to, most people are clueless about what goes on behind the scenes at major sporting events.

What if, for example, people were told that all the teams in a football league were owned or managed by the same person, would those teams still have a strong fan base?

After all, the possibility of match fixing would be very high and the ‘sole owner’ of the teams might tweak the outcomes of the matches to suit his/her own agenda.

Would anyone want to spend their money on a game whose outcome was already decided beforehand? It would only be through concealing the truth from the fans that the teams would be able to maintain the loyalty of their fans and make them believe that they really deserve to win or lose.

This reminds me about the dirty game of politics. While they may be many different political ideologies and groups, there is no guarantee that any particular one is the panacea to the world’s problems.

In fact, no matter how diametrically opposed some may be from others, most of the world’s governments seem to be dancing to the same tune when it comes to certain contentious issues, such as promoting the production and consumption of GMO-based food products, or imposing strict control over citizens and society via the use of technology, and also promoting the idea of a cashless society through the very speedy implementation of digital technology, meaning that everybody would eventually be required to have the same micro-chip technology in order to buy or sell (sound familiar?).

This is enough to make one suspicious about the possibility of there being a concealed ‘sole director’ of world politics, who is pulling the puppet strings from somewhere behind the scenes, and who is busy tweaking the game to suit his own agenda.

Swati citizen


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