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Technology is something that is very easy to take for granted, especially for the younger generation living in this technological era.
But things were not always this way. Barely two centuries ago, there were no cars, no airplanes, no computers and no electricity.
In fact, there was not much difference between life 2000 years ago and life 200 years ago. But then something happened.

The industrial revolution had begun and people suddenly became inventive, coming up with all sorts of new inventions which no one in the previous 2000 years would have thought possible, such as electricity, airplanes and even space ships.
There is no doubt that humanity has progressed more in the last 200 years than in the entire history of mankind.

In the past, the idea that living beings could travel through space to other planets may have seemed like pure science fiction. Indeed, even today, many people are of the view that the idea of aliens (extraterrestrials) visiting the earth in UFOs is absurd. But human beings themselves now have the capacity to travel through space to other planets, while manmade objects have already landed on distant planets in the solar system.


What was once considered to be mere science fiction is now becoming a reality. Certain prophets of the Bible, who lived thousands of years ago, such as Daniel and John, often saw visions of the future and tried to interpret what they saw in those visions to the people of their time.

However, the prophecies they made would have been of little relevance to those people as the things mentioned in their prophecies did not exist. It was mere fiction.

But in this day and age, the ability to communicate with somebody on the other side of the planet is commonplace. You can now buy a car from a country on a different continent by simply using your smartphone to view and pay for it without even leaving home.
Even 50 years ago, such may have been considered fiction. How could you buy something without going to the place where it is being sold?

The film industry is known for producing movies depicting futuristic technology which many people consider to be science fiction.
Many people still probably think that you cannot be in the presence of someone who is in another country or continent.
But with holographic technology, which can sometimes be seen in science fiction movies, it may soon be possible to see an ‘apparition’ of the person you are conversing with on your smart gadget, no matter where they are. In other words, it will be possible for the image of that person to come to life.

LiSwati Citizen     

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