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Have you for one moment sat down to think about the right criteria for choosing our present day leaders? Have you even taken time to look into their personalities or even their leadership qualities? Are we making the right choices when it comes to choosing the right candidates to represent us, have we even sat down to even consider such?

Are we choosing them because of the businesses they own, are those businesses evident enough that these people are going to lead our country to the right direction? Are we choosing them because of the number of cattle and sheep they own, can that really give us an idea of their leadership skills? Are we choosing them because of the number of family members they have or just because they have an amazing accommodation area?

Now, come to think of it before we choose these people are we really asking ourselves the right and proper questions? Are we choosing these people because of their past experiences and past achievements/lessons, can that help us? Are we choosing them because of their poorly structured or well-structured academic accolades? Can that help us come out with the right or proper candidates?

Are we choosing these leaders because of their gender-based advantage or disadvantage, does gender really have an effect in the choosing of leaders? I still believe we should be asking ourselves if we are moving in the proper path as we move towards having proper candidates being set apart for such proper and predestined callings.

Come to think of it, are we choosing these leaders because of the cars they drive or maybe their financial stabilities, is this going to give us enough evidence of this human beings’ ability to lead? Are we taking these future leaders towards the right path of leadership from nominations? Have we for one second sat to think about the nominees even before we sat down to think about ourselves?

Maybe we are choosing them because we are going to benefit directly from their leadership, one way or the other. Maybe we are choosing them because we form the majority as a section of a certain nominee; are we really using numbers to choose people to represent us? Are we using favouritism to choose people to lead a whole government, are we really applying our minds or rather we are using a certain culture we have adopted as one that will help us choose our leaders.

I believe in order to be able to choose a leader you should be able to identify the traits and characteristics of a good leader, that gives you the exact lead and step to take before you can actually choose the right leader. Allow me to put it in a Biblical context, God has chosen you to choose His leaders as stated in Romans 13:1; “…For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” As we stand up tightening our shoes, raising our socks and taking our predestined destination choose wisely.

Siphiwo Lushaba

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