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I was perplexed yet shell-shocked at the audacity that some of us now have, we openly, without any embarrassment, wine and dine in expensive places in the name of the very people we claim to represent.

May I remind people that first and foremost we are all children of the most high.
The resources at our disposal are inherently all bequeathed to us without favour or discrimination to one grouping, family or clan.
How we distribute and redistribute such core resources to ourselves as a people, fundamentally determines what life we will lead and what quality such life will be.
It interestingly also informs how peacefully, just and prosperous as a people we are or can be now and in future.
As a citizen of this country, I have been taught from childhood that you don`t eat until everybody has something to eat as well.

Worse still, as a leader the standards set out by the spirit of Ubuntu prescribe certain values and behaviour that you must keep at all times, everywhere you go.
For any leader to eat one cake after the other, drink five litres of whisky is and remains a travesty to African and emaSwati upkeep.
All this happens on the background of abject poverty and desperation of thousands of our people on the ground.

Hunger, unemployment, HIV/AIDS and all other social ills continue to ravage our nation while leaders, in the name of the people, are flying in first class jumbo jets to attend functions that will not and never assist us.

Let us face the real issue, do we really need to be flying every day from one European country to the other for us to have food security, better education, quality health services and an efficient justice system that our great forbearers before the so called civilisation invaded this continent had?
For how long are we going to be scavengers and beggars in our own land of birth?

Why must you and I live at the mercy of the whims and caprice of a few people in the echelons of power who seem more concerned with vanilla ice cream and which dress is more in fashion these days than the other?


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