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Should we be discussing about a lady flashing lacy underwear or thongs when she gets off a kombi; should we be discussing a group of young men hurling insults at a young lady for refusing their love proposals as they all propose at once, rudely. Should we be discussing men of the cloth impregnating more than five congregants when their wives are there? 

Should we be discussing finding out about your siblings or partners’ pornographic tendencies, should we? Should we be discussing incest in a home where God should be the fatherly figure, should we? Should we be discussing underage young people caught imbibing alcohol or having sex before time, should we?
Should we even be afraid to bring up the issue of sex whether to the young or old? Should we even be talking about ladies being unsatisfied in bed? Should we bring up the issue of a man proposing in the name of love when in fact the moment they reach climax they toss that partner aside like they never existed, should such matters be discussed?

Should we discuss about the male human beings who, after they have heard about conception, take to their heels with the intention of never looking back. Or maybe we should discuss those cruel beasts that remove nappies to show God that He made a mistake in creating them.
Are we to discuss the many pretending fathers who rape their daughters or stepdaughters immediately they realise that their wives would be away for some time, are we even supposed to talk about the death threats that follow those incidents?

Are we to talk about the filthy creatures called mothers who offer their daughters to men for sex in exchange for money, are we supposed to discuss such matters? Are we supposed to talk about the creatures called mothers who dispose of their young babies immediately after birth in pit latrines or even worse remove live fetuses from their bodies illegally? Are we to talk about our brothers who corner their lovely sisters just after taking a shower to ease their gratification, are we to even think about the trauma of the young lady or even the future husbands of those young ladies.

Are we supposed to talk about a government not serving the interests of its people, or maybe we are supposed totalk about how we fail to deliver when we were supposed to. Are we supposed to talk about our clients not paying on time or are we supposed to talk about the non-satisfactory work we provide for them. Are we supposed to kick our bosses for the late payment at the end of the month when we actually lack loyalty on our part? What are we supposed to really speak about? Are we supposed to raise our voices or just speak in hushed tones; are we even suppose to talk about such matters? Now for a change I don’t know, don’t die silent.

Siphiwo Jeshurun Lushaba

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