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Periodically in the course of human events, a nation should evaluate itself to see if all people are well cared for. The most vulnerable are of course children and the elderly.

I have come to realize that most of us men, could do more to give our children the quality of life that each child deserves. After all we are the co-author of every child who we help create.

With a moment’s thought or strong resolve not to succumb to sexual temptation, an 18-year responsibility might be avoided.
But having chosen to procreate, every man has an inherent responsibility to be there with the son or daughter he brought into this world. The child should not be looked upon as a burden, but as a most precious gift.

I do realise that some of us did not have access to our own fathers and experienced life with uncles, stepfathers or no father.
As families are the core of society, it is definitely time we improve on dysfunctional family relationships.

Many males keep a teenage mindset and behaviour in maturity. We coax a woman into bed only to shirk away when we hear she is expecting our baby. Where is the pride in everything we do?

No child asked to come into this world to be tossed aside by the very father who sired him or her.
 When I wake up, I must ask myself if I have provided enough nutritious food for my offspring, if I have proudly paid their school fees and if I have taken the time to listen to their worries and concerns.


As this world gets more complex, we parents must be there even more to guide our sons and daughters who cling to our legs and admire us from their innocent vantage point.
Instead of asking what can I get from this world for myself, let me ask what can I do for my son or my daughter? How can I be such a good parent that my child is eager to see me, listen to me, share thoughts with me and is sad when I must leave for work?

How can I create such a family that my children will never wish they had other parents or lived elsewhere?
Even if I part ways with my wife, let me never cause a child of mine to suffer because of the actions of two adults.


Separation is hard enough on children who often blame themselves for it. No man should hold back food or school fees because of having a fight with his spouse or girlfriend.
In fact, during such turbulence, we, men, should make an even greater effort to assure our children that our love and support will always be there for them.
Let us rise above the petty differences that punctuate divorce to spare our children unearned and unwanted pain.

If we, men, can keep our promises and be true to ourselves and our families, our noble nation would prosper as never before.
People elsewhere might even look our way to see how to treat their children.

K M 

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