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A week or so ago,one vocal lady PRO of one of these parastatal institutions poured cold water on Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini’s stopping of tariff increases by some parastatal organisations in the country and uMlangeni did that for a valid reason.From the PRO’s flippant comments,it seemed she did not empathise with the burden such tariff increases bring onto the pockets of consumers.

I have some words of friendly advice - at no cost - for some of these parastatal and government institutions PROs,respectively, who seem to defend their paymasters unnecessarily at times.

To some of us,these organisations are as good as blood suckers who, by their exorbitant tariff increases even when the economy is struggling to pick up, feed on the ordinary man on the street’s toils of hard earned money: Kindly back off from whining and complaining about Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini’s freeze on your outrageous,greedy and inhumane tariff increases.

The Prime Minister is on a serious, divine ordained and countrywide, supported mission of saving the country’s economy from the doldrums; from greedy corporate institutions like yours, as well as on a mission of easing the burden off consumers that your solely, profit-inclined, tariff increases put on the wallets of the ordinary man on the street.

outrageous profits

All some of you are superficially worried about is that the freeze will ‘affect’ the way you deliver optimum service to the customers,when in reality,you are worried about how this noble directive will put a dent on your outrageous profits.

This of course,will put a halt to the splashing on newspapers of your mouthwatering,balance sheet figures detailing how you made profit for that financial year - at the expense of small Joes like me.
Do not get me wrong. I am not advocating for you to run your businesses as charity institutions. God forbid,no!

But for too long,your institutions have run roughshod - financially - over us customers with your inconsiderate and greedy tariff increases,without anyone calling you to order and putting a halt to your audacious moves to wring off every hard earned cent out from us consumers, little giving a hoot how these exorbitant increases incessantly drown us in a cesspool of poverty, while you laugh all the way to the bank and get performance bonuses at year-end.

stop this rot

The ordinary man on the street does not earn double digit figure salaries, accompanied by subsidised housing, electricity, educational allowances, entertainment and car allowances and a whole lot of other lucrative and opulent perks and benefits like some of you.

This takes place while the people who contribute to your lavish lifestyles perennially wallow in a vicious cycle of tariff increases, resulting in poverty.
Greed, in the form of inhumane tariff increases from corporate, parasite institutions like yours, has contributed immensely to the destitute, abject lives of the ordinary folk by them paying exorbitantly for the services you bring to them.

It was about time someone bold and caring, not prone to greed as some of you, stood up against you and put a stop to this rot.Belt-tightening and stringent cost cutting measures must be across the board if we are to realise the Prime Minister’s dream of reviving a fallen economy.
To the Prime Minister, we - the suffering public at the hands of corporate gold diggers - are behind you!Crack the whip without fear or favour.


Alex Nxumalo 76058449

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