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I have been observing a steady but consistent decline in our values as a society; to the degree that I have been appalled by the pace at which we seem to be sliding deeper into confusion. Society now embraces things and cultures that are alien to us; in that we find humour in strange places these days.

Funerals and memorial services have become a place for comedians; and while there is nothing wrong with laughing at these events; but what we laugh at is what concerns some of us. We seem to now enjoy sick jokes and our ears are aching for bad news; and that’s what we find interesting.

For this society the news that sell are the bad and sensational ones, not the good ones that are rarely covered with such precision as the bad.
In today’s society theft to amass ill-gotten wealth is glorified and perpetrators are celebrated as heroes. The thing that is even more disconcerting about this is the fact that even Christians celebrate these traits in people. Wealth is one such virtue that everyone celebrates with no consideration of where and how it might have been acquired.

Money comes with fame regardless of how and where it was made. Decency is no longer a factor or consideration for most, as fame and riches are pursued. People want to be remembered as heroes for all the wrong reasons; and that unfortunately will be emulated by our young ones who can only become what we are.

The question is, what kind of generation are we raising? Well, it seems to me, spoilt brats who will have no respect for other people. Having said that, I still believe that not all is gloom and doom as we can each reverse this trend in our society right where we are; and start celebrating the right things. We can heal our society by inculcating a culture that celebrates good morals and behaviour.

B Dlamini         

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