Home | Letters | CRY FOR HELP TO EWSC


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This is a cry for help to the Eswatini Water Services Corporation regarding the state of water in Manzini. 

I will be specific and speak for Fairview North, Manzini where I reside as I am not sure if the other residential areas within Manzini have a similar problem.
The water is brown, initially we thought this was a temporary problem and that Water Services was dealing with this matter. 


It is now going on for months that the water coming from the pipes is brown.  
Is this healthy for human consumption? Will this not affect residents’ health in the future?
No communication or apology has been seen or received from the Water Services Corporation.  


Are we seriously expected to pay for this dirty water? We might as well fetch water from the local Mzimnene River, which is exactly the same as the water coming out of Water Services pipes.
Is this because we do not have any big shots residing in our areas thus the reason for the blind eye being turned.  If important people resided in this area, we would have seen action immediately.


The Constitution of Swaziland gives every citizen of Eswatini the rights to water and sanitation.  Is this the right, dirty water?  By the way it is not free, we pay for it.  We are basically paying for dirty water.
Water Services, get your act together and ensure this problem is fixed as soon as possible.  

Water Consumer

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