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Sive Siyinqaba National Movement held its 2019 retreat on January 11-13, 2019 and concluded amongst its key retreat outcomes that a press statement be issued to publicise key retreat outcomes for the benefit of its members, citizens and the international community.

 The retreat proceedings and outcomes were guided by national as well as global/international realities and trends. As a movement, we are also guided by our philosophy, Constitution and manifesto. We have the following proposals and comments to make to His Excellency the Prime Minister:-

On the educational front, we urge our government to immediately stop making the English Language a passing subject as this smells too colonial a mentality and is killing many gifted children, making them think they are dull and failures when they are geniuses in their fields and it is the field of geniuses which the country’s economy needs and not the English as English doesn’t put food on the table.

English was only relevant during the colonial error so that our colonial masters could easily give us instructions as their then servants. It is time we make Siswati the passing language noting that sustainable development in First World countries has been achieved by elevating the mother tongue which fuels positive self-esteem among citizens an example closer home is Botswana who have elevated their language to above all and look where they are in development.

 We note with great pain the inhuman treatment by our government, children with single parents as the Ministry of Home Affairs continues to refuse to issue PINs to children whose fathers are unavailable for whatever reason. 

Consequently these children cannot enrol in schools and cannot benefit from public health services. This act by the government is both inhuman and also in direct violation of section 43 (4) of the Constitution of Eswatini (Section 43 (4) Where a child born outside of marriage is not adopted by its father or claimed by that father in accordance with Swazi law and custom and the mother of that child is a citizen of Swaziland, the child shall be a citizen of Swaziland by birth).

 In this regard, we urge the government to please stop this unconstitutional act forthwith and, government should note that this is a violation of children’s rights of the highest order given that these children are deprived of education yet this is not their fault.  Of note is that schools are also now not admitting children without PINs for the simple reason that government will not pay the free primary education money to children without PINs.


 The movement applauds the prime minister for his promise to fight corruption.  We just want to bring to the attention of the PM that here in Eswatini corruption has permeated all organs of State including the organs that were meant to fight corruption as they themselves have been corrupted. The ACC itself is an illegal body in the sense that the founding Act is clear that this organ shall be independent. We have seen the ACC being directly controlled by both the minister of Justice and the PM’s Office which is illegal and has deeply compromised the integrity of the ACC itself as it currently shows all the characteristics of being deeply captured and conflicted.

 In this regard, the movement urges the PM to facilitate the realignment of the ACC in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the kingdom. We further call upon the new commissioner general of the ACC to weed out the known corrupt elements within the institution that were serving as conduits for the previous regime. We submit that unless and until the ACC is reconstituted, its integrity and intentions will forever remain suspect.
We believe that government should have handled the issue of CoLA with public sector unions differently before a certificate of unresolved dispute was issued. Worth noting is that most government employees are privy to its major operations and they witness where a lot of unplanned expenditure is diverted to.

It is in this light that to us their prayers must have been listened to instead of government taking the posture it has taken. As a matter of public interest, we urge government to have a rethink on this matter and look for better ways to resolve this issue.
Finally, we would like to pledge our support to the new prime minister as long as he continues to work for the interest of the country and be seen to be doing so.

Again, we would like to encourage him to consider the current fiscal problems as fertile and positive excuse for positive change. This situation provides his administration with opportunities allowing him to transform our governance and service delivery systems including our public enterprises whose value is yet to be appreciated.
We also urge him to eliminate all and any expenditure that has not been authorised by Parliament.
Thank you


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