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As the first session of the 11th Parliament is about to commence, we, as a nation, believe that the time for doing things differently has arrived. But before I get to my main point, let me first point out some of the mistakes that our former government made.

Fellow emaSwati, I have no doubt that our ex-parliamentarians’ main priority was to appease the former PM. Unnecessary budgetary allocations were made for his personal enhancement, for example the over E3 million for the construction of his personal home (lidlokolo), all the luxury cars that were bought for his use after retirement and the monthly pension he was to receive. So a fundamental question is; how could government spend such an amount of money to benefit one individual while failing to increase elderly grants to at least E1 200 per month?

Our ex-parliamentarians, including Cabinet, deserve to be called the ‘Destructions Boys’ because the country is in this financial quagmire because of them. We have nothing to applaud today that was done by the 10th administration of this great kingdom. They failed us as a country; they were very much into the politics-of-the-stomach. They could not reduce the poverty levels in communities.

Not long ago, the country’s civil servants were demanding 6.5 per cent as a cost-of-living adjustment (CoLA), which government is failing to meet. This is testimony to the fact that government does not have the interest of emaSwati at heart.


I think the about E55 million that has been given to ex-MPs as gratuity should not have been paid out and kept in the Consolidated Fund instead.
However, the prayers of the Eswatini people have been heard in heaven. So we give thanks to the Lord for giving us our current Moses, who is PM Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini, who is now at a point of taking our country from the wilderness to the Promised Land. We hope that the 11th Administration will put the interests of the nation first.

We also believe, as a nation, that the economy will be resuscitated, whereby government will invest in human capital and more students will be awarded scholarships to enrol in tertiary institutions. Also, the quality of healthcare services, which include employment of qualified health professionals in both public and private hospitals and clinics, and access to quality medication in cost effective prices, will be improved for the benefit of both the privileged and less privileged people.

As a nation, we hope the current government will isolate and uproot all corrupt elements in both the public and private spheres. So, 2019 parliamentarians, the stage is yours, usher us to the path towards vision 2022 where we will enjoy First World status and lifestyles as a nation.

Mzwandile Ngcamphalala

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Should the administration of scholarships be moved from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to the Ministry of Education and Training?