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We have sadly become a generation that is luxury-oriented, glory seeking and a pain-avoiding youth. We are infinitely involved hand and arm in the struggle for the most envied good life. When you turn a corner, one overhears the so ear-inviting talk of good life. We so dearly want to claim and possess the most lucrative and exorbitant materialism.

People are hustling and bustling for what they call a pain-free life, forgetting that you cannot really gain something without forgoing the other. Forgoing something in the quest to achieve another is painful.

When we speak of gaining, there has to be an opportunity cost, so say economists. This sophisticated, end-seeking generation seems to have long forgotten or at worst, not informed that pain and gain are twins that are impossible to separate. Going for your desired goals while forgoing the social nitty-gritty really hurts.
Change comes with pain but this pain later becomes a gain. Endure the pain and make a difference. It is true that a delay is not a denial.


When the achievement of our goals is delayed, it does not meant that they are impossible to reach, but it is just that the ideal time for their achievement has not yet come or it just indicates that we need to fully exhaust our efforts so we can realise them.

Waiting is painful, but there is no becoming without the waiting. Waiting for it is worth it! Our mothers are made to wait for a back-breaking and tiring nine months so they can bear the offspring, their gain. Gain is not a matter of unnecessary haste.

Haste makes waste not gain. Let us learn to wait, it’s worth it. “The stretching of your faith is immediate pain that results in ultimate gain. It is in the waiting that we become who we want to become,” says Mandy Hale.

K Hlophe

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