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Last Friday our great King opened the 11th Parliament and he delivered a very specific and encouraging speech. Briefly, he said something about the youth; it being the future of the nation.

But, as I see it, I don’t think the youth of today actually understands how valuable they are, how precious their existence is and how the whole nation is ‘depending’ on them. Looking at the way they behave, you ask yourself if we as a country have a future.

Their dress code, especially the females, is sickening. Clothes are meant to cover the whole body but with them, it’s the direct opposite. If it’s not their half exposed breasts, it’s their totally exposed legs and stomachs.


You then wonder if the parents or guardians who are meant to protect and guide the youth actually care. Do they take time to check on their children’s dress code when they leave home? You also find our precious youth loitering in towns from early in  the morning until sunset and again, you wonder if the parents ever worry about the whereabouts of their children, especially during weekends.

You also find them in every drinking hole around, imbibing alcohol and smoking. Letting your child leave home for no valid reason exposes them to many dangerous activities; early sex, pregnancies and drug abuse. Parents and guardians, let’s protect our children, the young people.

Asande Nkambule

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