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As said in my numerous articles that the people we have in our Parliament are just a great a cruel joke to both country and Their Majesties. They are all out to ridicule our Majesties and portray them as leaders who are fond of material things at the expense of the suffering majority.

This Parliament is just a bunch of clowns. No wonder when we make background checks on some of them, we found that they bribed their way and performed corrupt shenanigans to be where they are today. What then can you expect from such? I can almost swear by my father in the mountains that they told Their Majesties that the gifts they gave them were from their pockets, they are capable of doing that and saying that.


To you my dear readers, may I point out that our Majesties are not the bad people our Parliament is portraying them to be.
Our Majesties would never agree to take a present which has been stolen from the public purse.

This is the truth on the ground. So my good advice to Their Majesties is simply: to do the right thing and reject with great anger these presents. Bawadlise luhlata Emakhosi. 

This is what we ordinary citizens always complain about that the people working in close proximity to their Majesties are proper crooks.
May I state that Their Majesties are yearning for one great gift of ‘PEACE’ not cattle which have been bought through unclear means? Our Majesties are not appeased at receiving crooked gifts and I repeat: “they never rejoice at seeing their subjects suffering.” As I said before, those who surround the King should have just advised our Majesties that they must not accept these presents because they have been unclearly obtained. 

It must be understood by all that we should not try to appear good to Their Majesties at the expense of truth, because that does not help anyone but it creates resentment. Those involved in buying the gifts are economic with the truth when they say the presents were budgeted for; here public funds were used period.

If Parliament was honest enough, it should have forked money out of their pockets and buy the gift for Their Majesties. What they did is just callous.
If Parliament starts now to show dishonesty even to Their Majesties, then how can we trust them? That’s what I have been saying about dishonesty. If their dishonesty knows no bounds, then it’s a problem for the whole country.


In this year’s Parliament opening, His Majesty touched on corruption and his hatred towards it. So if Parliament is doing it, then the whole country is doomed.
May I state that it is always a noble gesture to give gifts to our leaders. And please note that even the smallest of gifts to Their Majesties is very much magnified and appreciated because it comes from the heart. I recall how Prince William of Buckingham Palace sent back gifts to the people who gave them to him and warned them never to do this.

I expect that our lovely leaders will do the same even to our MPs who did same. I am not opposed to presents for Their Majesties. Nami ngentiwa ngibo busweti ngabe ngiyavela ngitowetfula, phoke ngishaya inja ngenhloko. My request is that let us be honest to God and the nation. Corruption will never take us forward in this country, but to the dogs. So, my request is that Parliament must go and apologise to Their Majesties for setting them up against the people of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

We love our Majesties so much and we can die for them and we want to protect them from such characters. We don’t want to see and hear the names of our Majesties being drawn into mud when civil servants go on strike because they will say very bad things that if there is money for presents, then there must be money for the CoLA.
We need to protect our leaders from corrupt acts performed by those who claim to love them and yet it’s the opposite

By: Khokhumncadvo Dlamini
Ka-Zondwako (Ebutsini) 76481668

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