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The more you grow older, the more you realise that life indeed is not a bed of roses. Day in, day out you see more and more people swimming in a cesspit of suffering, pain, heartache, hunger, unemployment and poverty. And every day when you open any newspaper, listen to or watch the news on radio and television, you realize that the world is engulfed by troubles either man-made or natural.

Terror reigns supreme and wars are now part and parcel of this life while leaders are gloating in their comfortable chairs, when many people are suffering and dying for crimes they don’t know. Life is not fair but the elderly say it has to go on nevertheless.


 Analytical, more people are getting poorer yet surprisingly the coffers of the church are bulging to the seams. Miracles are performed to the awe of the congregation but none repent as many now chase after miracles, opulent churches and affluent pastors than faith. Then you wonder; are we suffering for our sins or for our superficial ungodly mindsets? Does faith still exist in this day and time? Is this the era of the end of the world? Why are people turning to each other?

The anger that is shown, one can see things have deteriorated to an extent where family values have crumpled in the face of immorality and abuse.


Men are turning to their daughters for sexual gratification, women are abusing their spouses emotionally and financially (if you have no money nowadays, you don’t qualify to be in a relationship), and children are spoilt brats who drink and commit criminal acts willy-nilly.

The way I see it, crime, corruption and prostitution are so etched in our society that in some quarters they are now regarded as normal and as a way of life. There are problems everywhere; so where are the solutions? In these times we desperately need a strong religion with strong Christian values that will manifest true faith!

B Khumalo

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