“Hold fast on to your dreams, for if dreams die then life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly”. Dream work is all about imagining what you truly want from your life. Its sounds simple enough, but it’s amazing how many people have no idea what they really want from life.
Do you? Think about it. Do you have a plan for your life? In other words, do you have any idea where you were going in life and what you want from life? To be exact, do you have goals? Furthermore, if you have accomplished all that you have planned for yourself, you have not planned enough. To ensure success in life, you must work at setting goals.
If you are not sure what it is that you want to achieve to begin with, how can you possibly achieve anything? Imagine walking into a shop and not knowing what you want. You will probably walk out empty-handed or with something you don’t really want or need.
It’s the same with goals. If you don’t really know what you want, you will trundle through life aimlessly, never quit getting anywhere. Or perhaps you will achieve something you don’t really want and live an unfulfilled life of wasted opportunities and potential.
This is why it is indispensable that you have a pellucid and detailed idea of what goals are. The solution is to take the time to work on planning your life by setting vivid and distinct goals. In other words do some dreams work? In fact this is the part that is funny. Really let your imagination run wild by allowing yourself to dream of what you really want from life.
Forget about ‘how’, ‘why’, but just keep those dreams flowing. At this stage we were not worried about anything else other than what you truly want. If you keep thinking of how you will achieve it and why you can’t, you are limiting yourself.
Only when you cut out the ‘how’ and ‘why’ your real will goals in life become crystal clear. So don’t limit yourself by not allowing imagining great and wonderful possibilities.
Those who once achieved great things were just ordinary people like you and Skish, who had a dream and did something extraordinary by making that dream a reality.
Most people spend their lives constantly reacting to events and experiences rather than taking action to create the lives that they want.
They float about in a distracted, hap-hazard fashion without direction and clueless, in the end achieving very little and looking back with shock at the situation and life they alone have created. The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing to succeed.
Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you will understand what little chance you have of trying to change others. That’s why if you want to change the world, you should start by changing yourself! Start small but do start. Moreover, to change yourself look at what you fear and what you hate. Start there. Build your life carefully with attention to detail and never be willing to put up less than the best. You are like a carpenter who has been given the wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity, of building his dream house.
Surely he would build wisely, planning and acting on his ideas, using quality materials and employing all his skills to create a worthwhile masterpiece. You should do the same with your life. Build a life worth living so that you may look back on it with pride and joy, not regret and pain.
To the question of your life, you are the only answer whilst to the problem of your life, you are the only solution. In a nutshell, keep your mind focused on the big picture, which is the achievement of your goal and not on short term fixes.
This means persevering until you reach your goal rather than allowing yourself to be tempted by short-term benefits or instant gratification.
Learn to hold out for 100 per cent later rather than opting for only 2 per cent now. This means some sacrificed, but surely you would rather sacrifice 2 per cent now rather than lose 100 per cent later.
Skish Dlamini, 78296943
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