Firstly, by introducing bucopho in our communities, government knew the objective and what it wanted to achieve. For those who do not know, we have bucopho, bandlancane and umphakatsi, and all these are expected to play a role in the development of the country and ensure that there is peace and harmony.
In order to achieve First World status, we need to involve these structures and ensure that their roles are clearly defined so that they can be understood by everyone.
It is important to encourage each umphakatsi to compile a monthly report and inform the nation about what is going on in their areas in terms of development. In order for these reports to be of good use, bucopho should be allowed to be available in their offices at least four times a week, so that the people in the communities can be able to contact them on anything that happens.
When I say anything, I mean even issues of corruption should be reported as early as possible because they stifle development in communities. Actually, some communities are struggling to develop because of corruption. In many instances, we find a community having five development projects but five years later you discover that only one was successful. The reasons usually vary but rest assured that one of them would be misuse of funds due to corruption.
The other thing to consider is to involve the Royal Eswatini Police Service in everything we do. They should be stationed in every corner so that we can easily contact them whenever there is a need. Remember, do not just deploy the police officers but make sure that they have the necessary resources to conduct their work. It is no use to have them receive complains when they will not have transport to get to where we are.
When it comes to employment, it will make sense to review the existing procedures so that the whole process involves everyone. In government, if 7 000 employees are needed, we will divide that number by the around 300 tinkhundla centers so that we have people hired from each one of them.
The same format should also be used when it comes to investment, which means we shall group our business owners according to the four regions. For example, Shiselweni business owners can be grouped together for certain businesses and ties with countries like China and then government will benefit a certain percentage from the profits generated.
Lastly, we can improve the economy by introducing elderly tax pay, where those who are working can pay a certain percentage. This money will benefit them when they reach the age of 60 in that they will go to the Home Affairs Department to get transport fee cards.
Melusi Mabuza
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