Before I get down to today’s topic, may I first bring to the reader’s attention that what the Asians are doing to our female children is real? I am an eyewitness to that. Two years back, I went looking for a grey-import car, the famous Dubais which I wanted to buy for my son ‘Sicubhosengwenya’.
This happened in Matsapha Industrial Site on the second street from the bottom of Industrial site. While I was looking for the car of my choice among the many cars, I heard very funny sounds and I was curious and went closer to where the sound was coming from.
Upon getting closer to the source, I found the door of this car open and there were legs and thighs sticking out of the vehicle and upon realising that I have caught them in the act, the Asian jumped and begged me not to say anything, fortunately for them I had not brought my cellphone so that I could take a picture of them.
That’s how bad the situation was . God in Heaven is my witness to this. I can never lie to the nation.
Our children are really suffering at the hands of these foreigners who are said to be “tinini tenkhosi” such guests????
I never understood what state capture is until the Guptas of South Africa came to the fore and until our beloved friend Gedleyihlekisa came out with guns blazing spitting fire and denying any corrupt dealings with the Guptas.
I don’t like South African politics because they stink. Back home our late King Sobhuza II warned strongly against a certain family who owned a very powerful wholesale business and was starting to dominate the retail industry.
Our King saw that emaSwati would soon lose out on businesses, and he gave an instruction that such must not be entertained in the country.
At least our late King had a vision that if these foreigners are allowed to dominate, then all it meant was that bonafide emaSwati would be exploited.
True to his very smart brains, today emaSwati have given up on businesses and have resorted to renting out their permits to these foreigners. This country of Eswatini is in serious trouble with corruption, but has chosen to embrace it without a problem and further award it. Rapidly, we are losing our country to foreigners who will soon be flooding our homesteads and driving us out.
Give me the next five years; just wait and see the type of emaSwati who will be born. “lafa lelihle kakhulu”. Now we are witnessing some powerful foreigners who are taking over the transport industry as they have now mixed with local powerful individuals to run transportation businesses. The painful thing about the whole thing is that emaSwati are fast being driven out of any business.
This country of Eswatini shall now be run by the foreigners who dangle money to our leadership and gain favours.
EmaSwati must stand up against this mismanagement, because this is their country and at the end of the day, they will be left with no country to run to when these foreigners have taken full control of the economy. Making matters worse is that we have a very useless Parliament, which is by the way in Parliament through corrupt means and there is nothing good that we can expect from it.
Except that corrupt laws shall be passed therein to favour them. I am spending sleepless nights thinking of where and how this country can be saved from the pending disaster it is facing from these powerful Gurus who are now running it. I looked at Fairview which has now been turned into ‘Drug city by Nigerians’ our children are being literally destroyed there.
You can never find the police making unannounced raids in those places. I really cry for my best friend babe Isaac Magagula who tried during his time to do these raids, but he also failed because of obvious reasons.
Our country is where it is today because of the love for money and because of embracing corruption. I am tempted to think that in Africa we must be the second ranked in the Corruption Index.
I have in my previous articles condemned corruption but I have only realised now that I have been fighting a losing battle. As long as our leaders end up only talking about corruption and at the end of the day nothing is done about it then I doubt if they are committed in combating it. As long as nothing is done to the corrupt legislatures, then let us forget about talking about corruption. You ask yourself dear reader as to how many cases of corruption have been reported to the ACC and seen the light of day? I smell the assertion of Justice for sale coming into play here.
By: Khokhumncadvo Dlamini
Ka-Zondwako (Ebutsini) 76481668
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