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Multitudes of people are extremely facing the scourge of stress and I am deeply worried about that, hence I have decided to write this spellbinding article to give some powerful insights on how to make your life less stressful.

First and foremost, you need to make a firm decision to take charge of your life.
 If you were stressed out, you need to realise that your lifestyle at present is dangerously unhealthy and it will come crashing down around you unless you accept that changes need to be made and then make a firm decision to make them.


Furthermore, making a firm decision commits you and drives you to take the action required to make changes for the better.
So many people are glum and frustrated with their lives, telling themselves continually that they really must do something about their situation but they never seem to get around to it.

They never seem to find the time in their set routines to make changes for the better. Actually, you simply have to make the time to take action and make some positive changes.
 Moreover, the aim of these positive changes you make must be for you to do all you can to create a tranquil, stress free and harmonious home and work environment for yourself through becoming better at delegating when required. This includes work and home life.


Share the load more at home with your partner and give chores to children. At work, you also need to realise that you can only do one thing at a time. If there’s too much to handle, delegate.

Secondly, learn to say NO Trying to please everyone, all the time, is almost impossible and eventually it will take its toll in the form of a mental or physical breakdown or moody, snappy behaviour.

No one will love you any less or respect you any less if you occasionally say NO to preserve your own sanity.
Be more self-assertive about your limits and stop taking on too much. Presumably, work on your own self-management in order to plan your day correctly.
In other words your diary should not be jam packed with one thing after the other, leaving no room for flexibility, unforeseeable mishaps, travel time and simply some time out.


As much as you insist that you do not have any time for yourself, it is crucial that you make some personal time available on a regular basis. You just have to make it happen. Go for a long walk or run. Do some gardening.

Have a message. Read a book in the garden, just does it. Last but not least, you need to adopt a new attitude and approach to your life. You must realise that your own wellbeing is just as indispensable as those you love and work with.

You literally need to spring clean your life and stop trying to be perfect. Adopt a new interest in your own wellbeing and work on boosting your self-esteem.
It is a fact that people who feel confident and have a sense of self-worth, feel justified to also give themselves some quality time and attention without feeling guilty or self-involved. I challenge you to let go of the old and start a new with a clear head, more time for yourself, greater flexibility in your life, more fun and far less stress.

In a nutshell, often people add to their stress by negative talk.

What lm taking about are those of you who come home from work and all you discuss is the numerous atrocious things that happened that day or you heard about that day.

 This is very draining for someone listening and it also makes you re-experience those bad things.
The only thing this succeeds in doing is to make you even more uptight. Rather stick to the positive aspects of your day. Who needs the extra stress or reliving stressful moments?

To sum up, you must also realise that you can only do one thing at a time and as long as you do so to the best of your ability, no one can possibly complain. It helps to also distinguish between important and urgent.

More often than not everything is urgent, so rather concentrate on the important things first and then do the rest (learn to prioritise).
Overall, judge your success by the degree that you were enjoying peace, love and health. Shallom!

By Skish Dlamini 78296943 or email www.mbolusica@gmail.com to send your comments.

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