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It really gets into me when I hear people, politicians and other public officials describe the youth as ‘leaders of tomorrow’. Those who will be tomorrow’s leaders have a right to possess their today, I would imagine. As a country, we have failed our children. For no fault of their own we have destroyed their future in a country that does not set store for their future. It is only in Eswatini where old tottering politicians would insist on staying in power to continue to wreak havoc on a hapless youth. It is only here that an ineffective government, that is tall in excuses, would keep old folks instead of giving the youth a chance.

This group refuses to budge from their seats. Our old grandmas and grandpas in the political sphere do not want to go home. They constitute one group of the soulless individuals you have never seen. In fact they are the ones who have stolen the youth of our youth. The country’s adult population has built a large national nest of adults for youths to watch and copy, exhibiting the worst kind of human behaviour.


These behaviour traits include recklessness, selfishness and other character traits for which names have not been invented. Because of the irresponsibility of this group, Eswatini youth now have an anxiety syndrome over what may become of them and what the future holds. They have no dream regarding this country. They do not lie awake thinking of that age-old question, what can one do for one’s country. They cannot dream for the country because they have not been handed any tools to dream with, no good and fair system. No credible education, not so many things. The average youth is left struggling each day just to live. So the youth do not dream for this country, they dream about leaving this country. This should make us look at ourselves in the mirror and ask; how did we contribute to killing the ability of the youth to dream.


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