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I once heard of a story about an old wise man. The old man was so wise that he had an answer for every question.The young generation did not like that and decided to make a plan that was going to prove him wrong.

The plan was to get a butterfly and hold it in their hand and then ask the old wise man if the butterfly was alive or dead. If his response would be the butterfly was alive they would squeeze it to death before opening the hand and if his response would be that it was dead then they would release it alive.
They were sure that this time around they would prove him wrong. When they got to the old wise man, they asked him to tell them if the butterfly in the hand was dead or alive.


The old wise man looked at them and responded by saying ‘the answer is in your hands’.  With displeasure they insisted that they wanted to know if the butterfly was dead or alive. The man maintained the answer and further said if you want the butterfly alive you can release it and if you want it dead you can squeeze it to death. The young men left rejected because indeed the answer was in their hands.

People should know that the future is in their hands. Whatever decisions they make will determine their future. The one thing that I admired about my mother was that she told me everything I needed to know about life.


She never told me that babies came from the plane or were bought from hospital. Instead she told me that if I had sexual intercourse with ,a boy I would fall pregnant. Because I did not want to fall pregnant, I stayed away from boys.
I have also made it a point to speak openly with my children about life in general and how it is important to make the right choices. If they decide to do otherwise it would be their choice because life is about choices.

So to our young people please focus on your studies, forget about sexual relationships because there will be a time when you are married and you will have sexual intercourse until you want it no more. Believe me, this is one of the many lessons I got from my mother and I can attest to it. It does not pay to rush into sexual relationships.


If you are not lucky enough to have open parents who will tell you as things are, then I’m here to tell you. So young people stay away from sex and focus on your studies.

Tell yourself that sex can wait for Mr or Mrs Right. Choose your friends wisely and do not blame peer pressure for your wrong decisions, after all you can also use peer pressure to influence your friends positively.

So if you happen to read this letter as a parent, please share it with your children and begin to speak openly to them about life and the fact that life is about choices. The decisions you make today will have an impact on your future.


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